Class Plastic

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Ürün Tanımı: Akrilik kopolimer bağlayıcı esaslı, mat görünüşlü, su bazlı, son kat iç cephe boyası.

Özellikleri: Mat ve pürüzsüz görünüşe sahip olan Class Plastic, yüksek kapatma gücüne sahip iç cephe boyasıdır. Su bazlı olması nedeniyle insan sağlığı ve çevreye zarar vermez, rahatsız edici bir kokusu yoktur. Renkleri uzun yıllar boyunca canlılığını korur.

Uygulama Alanları: Zemin hazırlığı yapılmış tüm eski boyalı yüzeyler, beton, alçı, kara sıva, betopan, cam tekstili ve boyanabilir duvar kağıdı gibi iç yüzeylere uygulanabilir.

Teknik Veriler:
Yapısı: Stiren Akrilik
Tüketim: Tek kat: 13- 16  (m²/ lt), 90-130 (g/m2)
İncelticisi: Su
İnceltme Oranı: %10- 15
Kuruma Süresi: Dokunma 15 – 20 dk; Toz tutmama 1 saat; Tam kuruma 24 saat
Viskozite: 125 KU ± 10   (  23 º C )
pH (25oC): 8 – 9
Yoğunluk: 1,56 ± 0,02 (g / ml)
Katı Madde Miktarı: %67±2
Yaş Ovma Direnci: Sınıf 2 (TS EN 13300)
Örtme Gücü: Sınıf 2 (8m2/lt) (TS EN 13300)
Tane Büyüklüğü: Sınıf S1 İnce (TS EN 13300)
Parlaklık: Sınıf G3 Mat (TS EN 13300)
Kuru Film Kalınlığı: ( 30 ± 5 ) mikron
Yaş Film Kalınlığı: ( 60 ± 5 ) mikron            

SURFACE PREPARATION:– The surface must be cleared of any oil, dirt or dust. Swollen and old paintings must be scraped off. The surface must be clean, dry and solid -Hollows and cracks should be filled with Silkcoat Dâhili Akrilik Macun in case of necessity. -On the surfaces which are absorbent or were not painted before should be obtained by applying Silkcoat Izolac. Old and synthetic painted or dirty surfaces should be obtained by applying Silkcoat Universal Astar, On the surfaces which has been puttied should be obtained by applying Silkcoat Macun Astarı(Putty Primer).                                               

APPLICATION:-The paint should be thinned 10-15% with clean water and applied with roller, brush or spraying in two coats. -Leave 2 hours between coats depending on weather conditions. -After application tools should be cleaned with water.

APPLICATION DETAILS:-On new painted surfaces, make Sure that Surface has waited about 28 days before application. -Paint should be completely mixed so that it is homogenous. -Ambient and surface temperature should be between +5 and +35 degrees during the application and product drying season. -Gloss and glasslike Surfaces should be rubbed before application to obtain better adhesive and a healthy Surface.

CAUTION: – S2: Keep out of the reach of children. – S24/25: Avoid getting eye and skin contact. In case wash with plenty of water. – S46: If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label – Preserve in a tightly closed container. – Do not dump into the sewer system.

STORAGE:  Keep at a cool and clean place away from sun light. It can be stored unopened 1 year at room temperature.

PACKAGING: 15 lt, 7,5 lt, 2,5 lt PE Bucket

QUALITY CERTIFICATE: Found complying as per TSE 5808 Conditions.

Ürün Adı : Class Plastic