It is a water-based, matte, antibacterial ceiling paint that is resistant to the formation of microorganisms, has minimal allergy potential, pure acrylic, silicone added, high wiping resistance.
It is used safely in health institutions and medical areas such as hospitals, operating rooms, pharmaceutical factories, schools, nurseries, children’s rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, cafeterias, food production facilities, where hygiene is very important. It is applied on interior surfaces, walls and ceilings, old painted surfaces, lime-washed surfaces, plastered, briquette and concrete surfaces.
• Prevents the formation of mold and fungus on the applied surfaces. It has a minimum allergy causing feature.
• Thanks to its high breathing ability, it allows ceilings to breathe.
• Has a matte and smooth appearance, does not shine under the light.
• Has a very high covering ability.
• Does not swell and spill.
• It saves time and labor thanks to its high spreading power on the surface during application.
• Does not have an irritating odor during application.
The surfaces on which Bianca Salute Antibacterial Pure Acrylic Ceiling Plastic will be applied; It must be strong, free from all kinds of dirt, oil and dust, clean and dry. Old paints should be scraped clean and cracks on the surface should be filled with putty. It is recommended to apply two coats, 4 – 6 hours should be waited between coats. It can be applied with a brush or roller at minimum +5ºC, maximum +30ºC.