Prof W-AE 1K

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It is an acrylic elastomeric resin-based, single-component, high-elastic, single-component waterproofing material with a strong adherence structure. It is ready and easy to use. It is highly resistant to atmospheric conditions. It provides very good adhesion on difficult surfaces, it can be clad with ceramic or painted.

Surface Preparation&Application

The surface must be dry prior to application. Foreign substances such as paint, oil, tar, slag, curing material that prevent adhesion and loose parts, cement, plaster, concrete residues and wooden wedges must be removed from the application surface. The application surface should be without cracks and uninterrupted. The surface must be level. Sharp corners and edges should be chamfered with repair mortar. Avoid application in very humid / very hot weather. It should not be applied on surfaces that will be below +5 C within 24 hours. Should not be applied to wet surfaces. If the surface is a very dusty surface, PROF U-AP primer product should be diluted 1 to 7 and primed. The primer should be allowed to dry and then the main layer application should be started. After the primer application, PROF W-AE should be applied to the entire surface in 2 coats with a roller or brush. 2nd layer application should be applied 5 - 6 hours after the application of the 1st layer and perpendicular to the previous application. After the material is thoroughly mixed with a low-speed mixer and rested, Exelans Energy Acrylic Waterproofing product should be applied to the entire surface in 2 layers with a roller or brush.

Name product : Prof W-AE 1K